Types of teeth and their function
Types of teeth and their function
Do you get puzzled about the function of molars and premolars? Then you can get all the bit and bites of knowledge from here about different types of teeth. Teeth are made up of protein and minerals, such as calcium. It helps you chew food and speak clearly. Adults have 32 teeth, while children have only 20 teeth equally distributed in the lower and upper jaw. Here are the types of teeth in adults.
Incisors are the front teeth, total eight in the count, pair of four on top and bottom. Incisors are shaped flat, sharp-edged teeth. The primary function of the incisor is to cut food. The two incisor teeth alongside the middle line are called central incisors. The two incisor teeth in the lower and upper jaw adjacent to the central incisor are called lateral incisor. When you sink your teeth into healthy peach, the teeth that go first are the incisor teeth.
The types of teeth in the front appear at about six months old. The set of maxillary incisor teeth are the prominent teeth in your mouth. The mandibular central incisor in the lower jaw helps in primary cutting the food and helps in taking a bite. Mandibular central incisors are narrow in shape compared to the adjacent maxillary incisors. It is the smallest teeth and has a flat shape blade-like structure to slice food to enter your mouth.
You have four canine teeth next to incisor teeth. You have two canines on lower and two on the upper jaw. The pointy and sharp surface of canine teeth is used for tearing of food. The canines teeth are situated two in the maxillary area and two in the mandibular area. Canines have the longest single root of any tooth. The first canine tooth of a child comes in between the age of 16 to 20 months. The upper canine grows first, which is followed by the lower canine.
The adult canine appears oppositely in adults at first lower canine comes at the age of 9, while the upper one comes in between the age of 11 to 12. Canine teeth are the types of teeth in human are essential for biting and tearing of food. It also helps in giving proper alignment of your jaw.
Premolars are bigger than canines and incisors. They help in chewing and grinding of food. Unlike canines and incisors, premolars have a flat surface for biting and chewing of food. A complete set of eight premolars are disturbed equally in the lower and upper jaw. Premolars are bigger than canines and incisors. It helps in grinding the food so you can easily swallow your food.
Premolars are not present in babies and infants. They start coming after the age of 10. They have a flat surface along with ridges and curves for crushing the food into small pieces. Baby molar teeth are replaced by premolar.
Molars are the biggest and strongest teeth in your mouth. A total number of 12 molar teeth are distributed six in the lower jaw, and 6 in the upper jaw. The main eight molar teeth grow in between the age of 6 to 12. Molar teeth are the types of teeth with a large surface area that helps in grinding the food. When you eat, the food is pushed forward and backward by the tongue. The tongue pushes the food backward for breaking it down in small pieces. It helps to chew and swallow the food quickly.
Molar teeth are located in the back or posterior section in the set of your jaw. The set of 12 molar teeth has three groups, while the last group is wisdom teeth. Adults have four wisdom teeth.
Wisdom teeth extraction
What are wisdom teeth?
It is the final and last set of molar teeth. It is one of the types of teeth that grow in adulthood. It emerges in most adults between the ages group of 17 to 25. It is the last pair of teeth that grow in the human mouth. If the set of wisdom teeth is rightly aligned, then it is considered as a valuable asset. Although often wisdom teeth grow in an angle and can be misaligned, it requires removal or extraction of wisdom teeth.
When the tooth grows with an angle, it causes pain and discomfort in eating food. The misaligned wisdom teeth can be angled away or toward molar teeth. Poor alignment can cause severe injury to adjacent teeth and can damage jawbone or nerves. Wisdom teeth can partially erupt from gums that can create an opening for bacteria and other microbes. It can lead to infection, which results in pain, swelling, stiffness, or general illness. Partially erupted teeth are prone to tooth decay as the position of the wisdom teeth is hard to reach in brushing and flossing. The extraction of wisdom teeth is an easier and healthier option for the good health of teeth and gums.
Symptoms of infected wisdom teeth
If you have swollen gums or jaws, then you can go for wisdom teeth inspection. Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to immense pain and other related dental problems. The common symptom of the impacted tooth is the bad breath, unpleasant taste in mouth, redness, or swollen gums or difficulty in opening your mouth.
If any of these symptoms you are experiencing, then it is advisable to consult your dentist for the extraction of wisdom teeth. Getting rid of the dental problem is even easier if you extract it out before the wisdom teeth emerge as it saves you from extra pain.
Wisdom teeth infection cure
Dental specialists consider the extraction of wisdom teeth if it does not cause problems is invaluable. Although keeping infected or partially grown wisdom teeth can lead to other health problems. Treatment of wisdom teeth infection involves medication, surgery, or dental work to repair it. The dentist diagnoses all of these processes, and after an X-ray of the tooth, they decide the treatment that is best for the tooth.
If your wisdom teeth erupt in an angle outward or inward, surgery is the only solution to keep the jaw aligned. Your dentist may completely or partially remove the tooth, depending on the infection and the problem it leads to. Extraction of wisdom teeth helps to prevent future infection on impacted wisdom teeth.
The surgical procedure of removing the gum tissue from the top helps the wisdom tooth to grow. Another procedure that is considered by dentists is to remove the only top part of wisdom teeth. This procedure is called a coronectomy. This is done to protect nerves, tooth roots, and jawbone. Dental surgeons perform this intricate procedure. The surgery is performed under anesthesia, as pulling out of a wisdom tooth can be complicated and painful. The injection of anesthesia is given on the location from where the tooth will be extracted 20 minutes before the procedure.
Your dentist may need to remove this type of teeth by cutting in section and removing the teeth in small pieces. This helps in avoiding the risk of damaging nerves or jawbone.
Side effects of wisdom teeth removal
Wisdom teeth extraction is a delicate surgery, and it can have possible side effects. The side effects of wisdom teeth removal are numbness in the tongue and lower lip, infection in your tooth, bleeding jawbone weakness. For the best treatment and extraction of wisdom teeth, visit the best dentist for dental care in Gurgaon.